About Us
Marie Smith 
Marie Smith
Director of Parliamentary
Network for Critical Issues

The Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) is a non-partisan global outreach that works to identify, unite, and strategize with pro-life groups, lawmakers, and religious leaders to advance respect for life in law and policy.

PNCI works to build a global culture of life by sharing successful pro-life strategies to motivate individuals to take their civic duties seriously and participate in the political process.

Based in Washington, D.C., PNCI provides lawmakers and religious leaders from around the world with A Guide to Pro-Life Parliamentary Working Groups to help elected officials organize working groups in their legislatures to more effectively advance pro-life laws and build sustainable pro-life leadership in capitals around the world.
PNCI acknowledges that lawmakers need to be encouraged and supported in their critical roles and shares PNCI’s Introductory Guide to the Legislative Process with civil society and religious leaders to help them liaison with their elected leaders and have a greater influence during legislative debate and outcome.
The lawmakers associated with PNCI are located in countries around the world with varying laws on abortion but are united in a shared responsibility to cherish and defend life, the most basic human right, and to protect and improve the lives and health of the most vulnerable in society— pregnant women and their children, especially the unborn.
PNCI opposes ideologies which propose that life is cheap and expendable and that view the lives of unborn children, those suffering from disability or disease, or those at the end of life as not deserving of a right to life. 

PNCI is moved to action by the words of the words of the great Irish philosopher and statesman, Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”