In a video message yesterday, U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addressed the last day of the Women Deliver 2016 conference in Copenhagen, self-described as "the
world's largest global conference on the health, rights, and well being
of girls and women in the last decade", and the first such gathering
since the launch of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Hillary Clinton's message entitled A Purpose-Driven Life was described as "A
thought-provoking video from Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton on women's rights as human rights, and how to translate
that vision from the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing to action
in the 21st century."
Clinton called for renewed efforts to "break down the barriers holding back women and girls around the world" and stated, "Gender equality, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, must be a core priority."
Her message comes at a strategic time as the world is seeking to implement measures to achieve the SDGs and ensure by 2030 "universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services" and "Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights" as
stated in the goals on health and gender equality. Intense debate has
taken place at the United Nations over the terms "reproductive
health-care services" and "reproductive rights" which are believed by
most to include access to abortion. Concern continues over the yet to be
completed indicators which will be used to monitor a country's progress
on achieving the goals and targets.
is well-known that Clinton has long supported abortion on demand
throughout pregnancy calling it not only a woman's right, a human right
and a 'reproductive right' but unabashedly proclaimed in testimony
before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in April 2009 that "reproductive health includes access to abortion".
have pushed for expansion of the sexual and reproductive agenda since
the 1995 Women's Conference in Beijing when Clinton led the US
delegation as First Lady. In her remarks she referenced Beijing and
stated, "And the gains we've made since then prove that progress is
possible. But as you all know too well, our work is far from finished.
This is an important moment as we chart a course to meet the new
Sustainable Development Goals. We have to break down the barriers holding back women and girls around the world."
and policies that ban, restrict, or regulate abortion and religious and
cultural beliefs that value life from the moment of conception are all
"barriers to progress" from the pro-abortion point of view.
Clinton continued that in order to break down the barriers "we need greater political will and resources" and praised the conference stating, "The Women Deliver summit is critical to this work."
Among the 5,500 attendees to the four day conference were HRH Crown Princess Mary and Prime Minister of Denmark HE Lars Løkke Rasmussen,
Cecile Richards President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
the heads of UNFPA and UN Women, parliamentarians from over 50
countries, leaders of NGOs, health experts, donors including Melinda
Gates, business leaders, youth and activists from 168 countries.
Abortion-related topics during the conference and at side events included:
Increasing Access to Safe Abortion: Solutions from the Front Line
Working with Faith Leaders on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Innovations to increase access to safe abortion
A 21st-Century Agenda for SRHR
Supporting Expanded Roles for Abortion services by Healthcare workers
The Private Sector Role in Safe Abortion Provision
Sexual and Reproductive Rights Within Communities
Tackling Stigma to Increase Women's Abortion Access and Rights
Partnering with Police to Improve Abortion Access