African Bishops Seek Defense of Life and Family
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The 17th Plenary Assembly of Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) concluded in Luanda, Angola with a message focused on the family and its current challenges: “The African Family, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in the light of the Gospel”.

The bishops express support for the family as the place where “the human person is born, grows and accomplishes his/her destiny” and that it “is and remains the sanctuary of life, of growth and enhancement of the human person”, recognizing that abortion is one of the “urgent challenges” for SECAM as it interferes with “love for the welfare of the family in Africa”.

In regards to marriage and family the message states:

“Marriage and family are intimately linked together…In Jesus Christ, marriage acquires its true meaning. Inseparable link of love between a man and a woman, marriage is open to life and procreation, as means of renewal of the society and the Church, therefore it cannot concern persons of the same sex.”

The statement makes it clear that the bishops are fully aware of the promotion of an ideological agenda that needs to be fully opposed and it urges all the member States of the African Union to resist all pressures from governments and organizations who want to impose anti-family policies on Africa.”

The bishops recognize the efforts by some countries to oppose the agenda stating: “We are grateful to governments who, in the name of moral values and our culture have dared to oppose such policies” and “We do appreciate the efforts of public authorities in our various States for the promotion of the family”.

Concern is also expressed for those afflicted by conflict, those living in poverty and on providing employment opportunities for youth.

The bishops make an appeal to political leaders to defend African values:

“We appeal to our governments to promote policies that respect African cultural values, justice, fundamental rights of persons and families, including good management of the common good and to improve the life conditions of our people, especially the less favourable.”


The bishops conclude their message with a strong call to protect and defend the family as the heart of their Mission:

“The Future of the Family is at the heart of our Mission. The Family is and remains the sanctuary of life, of growth and enhancement of the human person. The family is a gift of the merciful love of God. It guarantees the future of our societies. We are to protect and defend it against all that could destroy its integrity.”

PNCI notes that the growing challenge to the culture of life in Africa is led by western organizations and western donor countries that promote an ideology that is foreign to cherished African religious and cultural beliefs.

